Ticket / 票價
▌P1 |開賣日 11/05~11/20
✦五日票5days : $ 2950 ✦四日票4days: $ 2750
✦三日票3days : $ 2600 ✦雙日票2days : $ 2100
✦單日票1day : $ 1650 ✦四人團票4ppl group: $ 11400
▌P2|開賣日 11/24~12/11
✦五日票5days : $ 3300 ✦四日票4days : $ 3100
✦三日票3days : $ 2900 ✦雙日票2days : $ 2400
✦單日票1day : $ 1950 ✦四人團票4ppl group: $ 12800
▌P3|開賣日 12/15~12/27
✦五日票5days : $ 3600 ✦四日票4days : $ 3400
✦三日票3days : $ 3200 ✦雙日票2days : $ 2700
✦單日票1day : $ 2250 ✦四人團票4ppl group : $ 13100
✦五日票5days : $ 5,000 ✦四日票4days : $ 4,500
✦三日票3days : $ 4,000 ✦雙日票2days : $ 3,500
✦單日票1day : $ 3,000
✦四日票4days : $ 400
✦三日票3days : $ 500
✦雙日票2days : $1000
✦單日票1days : $1400

12/28 週六 Saturday
草皮舞台 / Meadow Stage
14:30 - 16:00 Sara Su Organic Beats
16:30 - 17:30 KITrust World Beats
17:30 - 19:00 Fion Tech breaks
19:00 - 22:00 Mooks PSY
22:00 - 23:30 ABRACA Tech Psy
23:30 - 01:00 Barfly PSY
12/29週日 Sunday
草皮舞台 / Meadow Stage
09:30 - 11:00 Kuma PsyChill
11:00 - 12:30 Psy Smile Psy Dub
12:30 - 14:00 Feelgood DnB
14:00 - 15:30 Saxon_N Techno
15:30 - 17:00 Carlos Tech Trance
17:00 - 18:30 Angela Bu Tribal Techouse
18:30 - 20:00 M1NJ Techno
20:00 - 21:30 Jamie Q Tribal Techno
21:30 - 23:00 Junaid Psy
23:00 - 00:30 Mouse PSY
12/30週一 Monday
草皮舞台 / Meadow Stage
09:30 - 11:00 Kiko Minimal Techouse
11:00 - 12:30 Angela Bu Tribal house
12:30 - 14:00 Protocol Hypnotic Techno
14:00 - 15:30 Wade Techno / Trance
15:30 - 17:00 Sonic Trance / Psy
17:00 - 18:30 Duckie Psy
18:30 - 20:00 Molly Lin Techno
20:00 - 21:30 @L Hard Techno
21:30 - 23:00 Spike Psy
23:00 - 00:30 PsyLance Psy
12/31週二 tuesday
草皮舞台 / Meadow Stage
10:00 - 11:30 Carlitos Deep Deep House
11:30 - 13:00 Nic D'Stef Uplift deep House
13:00 - 14:30 Feelgood DnB
14:30 - 16:00 ScottyD House
16:00 - 17:30 Rainbowchild House / Rave
17:30 - 19:00 Molly Lin Rave
19:00 - 20:30 Dominik T Techno
20:30 - 22:00 Showproject Techno Psy
22:00 - 23:30 Jon Connor Techno
23:30 - 01:00 Barfly PSY
01:00 - 02:30 Morpheus PSY
01/01週三 Wednesday
草皮舞台 / Meadow Stage
11:15 - 12:30 Dominik T House
12:30 - 13:45 Voytek PSY
13:45 - 15:00 PsyLance PSY
15:00 - 16:15 dnovanjiano PSY
16:15 - 17:30 The cook, the thief Afro House
Info / 活動須知
English info below
車輛離場時,請務必將您隨身垃圾帶走, 請勿留在停車場內,發揮環保的最高原則。
免搭露營 / 野奢
不可抗力因素之退票:如因國內、外重大事件、 自然非人為因素、主辦單位或活動表演人員之各種狀況,導致活動取消。
請勿購買其他非正式授權售票之通路、 網站購票,以免自身權益受損。
12/28 週六
12/29 周日
12/30 周一
12/31 周二
01/01 週三
1. 非供自用或購買票券而轉售圖利者,企業經營者得不予退、換票。
2. 請注意若購買套票,退換票亦需整個套票退票,無法退單張票券。
3. 購票前,請先查看該節目的「(必讀)購買須知」內退票規則說明。
4. 為維護購票者個資安全,本退票服務僅限購票者本人申請,並須填妥退票申請書將以下資料完整提供辦理,一經收單後,視同您同意本公司進行相關退票作業,包含電話連繫、缺(補)件作業等)並直接辦理退票作業,無法再取消退票申請。
5. 未於退票期限內寄達者,本系統將依本申請書上之聯絡資訊通知申請人取回票券,若無法與申請人取得聯繫或無法與您達成取回票券共識者,本公司將不負票券保管或任何其他責任,所有責任與後果將由申請人自行負擔。
個人因事辦理退票」→退票者應支付退票手續費及30元銀行匯費 "匯費"的後面增加 "(購票以現金付款或虛擬帳號匯款之交易訂單)"
扣除手續費之退票款將於收件後第四個星期五匯入,若適逢國定假日,將順延一週,請消費者自行核對帳戶,不另行通知。 -
退票截止日如適逢國定假日、周末假日或颱風天等經政府機關核定之假日,可退票之最後一日為假日結束後之第1個工作日。 -
退票方案四實施如下: 圖示
全區禁止使用一次性物品,例如紙袋 / 保麗龍 / 塑膠杯 / 紙盤,請您自行攜帶環保水杯或餐盤。
於活動現場的吧台服務區,我們有水杯租賃服務, 您若是忘記帶可向我們租賃,都是很便宜的,您使用完後清洗完成歸還吧檯服務區。
Entrance Guidelines for Ticket Booth Entry
Ticket Required for Entry:
Please present your ticket for admission. Those without a ticket must purchase a same-day ticket. -
Vehicle Inspection:
Drivers are required to open their trunks for inspection to ensure no prohibited items are being transported. -
Bag Inspection:
Attendees must open their bags for inspection at the entrance to ensure no prohibited items are being carried. -
Alcohol Prohibition:
Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited inside the venue. -
Soft Drinks and Juices Prohibited:
Bringing in juice, soft drinks, or other non-alcoholic beverages is not allowed. -
Zero Tolerance for Drugs:
Drug use or possession is strictly forbidden. Please abide by the law. -
Camping and Parking Not Included:
All tickets do not include camping or parking fees. Please purchase these separately.
Parking Guidelines
Please present the parking QR code at the ticket booth to receive your parking pass.
When leaving the venue, please ensure you take all your trash with you and do not leave it in the parking area. Let’s adhere to the highest principles of environmental protection.
If your vehicle is not for vendor use, parking in the vendor parking area is strictly prohibited.
Guidelines for Bringing Pets
Leashes Required:
All pets must be kept on a leash at all times in the event area to ensure safety for everyone. -
Clean Up After Your Pets:
Please clean up after your pets. Pet waste bags should be prepared and used to maintain a clean environment. -
Pet Behavior:
Ensure your pets are well-behaved and do not disrupt other participants. Aggressive or overly loud pets may be asked to leave. -
Restricted Areas:
Pets are not allowed in designated areas such as the main stage zone or food and beverage zones. -
Health and Safety:
Only bring pets that are in good health and fully vaccinated. You may be asked to show proof of vaccination if necessary. -
Owner Responsibility:
Owners are fully responsible for their pets' actions. Any damages or incidents caused by your pet will be your responsibility.
Organizer Information
and Notices
The organizer reserves the right to modify program content. In the event of force majeure, all updates and event information will be based on the official website.
Refunds Due to Force Majeure:
If the event is canceled due to major domestic or international incidents, natural causes beyond human control, or circumstances involving the organizer or performers, refunds will be issued in accordance with the Ministry of Culture's diverse refund policies. -
Avoid purchasing tickets from unauthorized channels or websites to ensure your rights are protected.
Entry Policy:
Each ticket is valid for one person only. Duplicate or copied tickets are invalid.
Ticket validity is determined based on the organizer’s system verification, and the organizer reserves the right to final interpretation. -
Mountain Weather Advisory:
Mountain climates can be unpredictable. Please bring warm clothing, mosquito repellent, sunglasses, sun protection, and rain gear. -
We recommend carrying a small first-aid kit to address any minor injuries.
Personal Belongings:
No lockers are provided at the event. Please keep your valuables with you at all times. -
The event is covered by public liability insurance to provide protection for participants in the case of unforeseen incidents.
Prohibition on Illegal Substances:
The use of prohibited substances is strictly forbidden. Security checkpoints will be in place, and there is zero tolerance for drugs. Do not violate the law.
What time can you enter?
Gate Opening Hours
12/28 (Saturday)
9:00 AM: Entry for vendors
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM: Entry for participants
12/29 (Sunday)
9:00 AM to 2:00 AM
12/30 (Monday)
9:00 AM to 2:00 AM
12/31 (Tuesday)
9:00 AM to 3:00 AM
01/01 (Wednesday)
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Each day of the event has specific gate opening and closing times. Please refer to the schedule above.
A 30-minute buffer time will be provided after the end of each day's activities for participants to exit.
Afterward, the gates will be closed, and no entry or exit for vehicles or participants will be allowed.
Important Note:
Do not remove your entry wristband. If it is lost or damaged, you will need to purchase a replacement.
Pre-set Camping / Luxury Camping
Please refer to the venue layout map. The yellow tent area represents the self-setup camping zone.
Campsites are unassigned and follow a first-come, first-serve policy. Please set up your tent according to the type of camping spot you purchased.
Each QR code is limited to one tent. We kindly ask everyone to act with a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation.
On-site staff will inspect your campsite to ensure that the tent size complies with regulations.
Pre-set Camping / Luxury Camping
Please present the QR code of your purchase at the ticket booth and pay a deposit of 2,000 NTD.
The checkout time is 4:00 PM. Please return the tent on time. After inspection, the deposit will be refunded if no damages are found. In case of damage, the deposit will be forfeited.
Please locate and use the tent labeled with your name. Do not mistakenly use or occupy someone else’s tent, as this may cause losses to other attendees or the organizer. Any such incidents will result in a claim for compensation.
Green Policy
The use of disposable items, such as paper bags, Styrofoam, plastic cups, and paper plates, is strictly prohibited in all areas. Please bring your own reusable water bottles or dining utensils.
At the event's bar service area, we offer a cup rental service. If you forget to bring your own, you can rent one from us at an affordable price. After use, please clean it and return it to the bar service area.
Please dispose of your recyclable waste in the designated recycling bins.
Separate food waste from general trash.
Environmental volunteers will be on-site to regularly check and maintain cleanliness. Let’s work together to protect the environment.
Do not discard cigarette butts on the ground. Please carry a portable ashtray or wrap the butts in tissue paper and throw them in the trash bin.
Make sure to take all your garbage with you. After taking down your tent, clean your camping area thoroughly, leaving no trace behind.
[Ticket Refund Process]
[Explanation of Fees for Refunds]
[Refund Policy and Procedure]
Please follow the refund method outlined in the "Event Notice - Refund Policy" on the ticket purchase website.
In compliance with the Ministry of Culture's directives No. 10120225241 ("Mandatory and Prohibited Clauses for Standardized Performing Arts Ticket Contracts") and No. 10220040191 ("Mandatory and Prohibited Clauses for Standardized Exhibition Ticket Contracts"), as well as the revised directive No. 10710128232 issued on May 16, 2018, which states in Article 6:
"Businesses must provide a refund and ticket exchange mechanism for performing arts tickets and explain it in detail. However, if the tickets are purchased for resale and profit rather than personal use, businesses may refuse refunds or exchanges."
If any violation of this regulation is found, the company and the ticketing system reserve the right to refuse refund or exchange requests. -
Refund Notes:
Refunds or exchanges may not be granted for tickets purchased for resale or profit.
For package tickets, the entire package must be refunded; partial ticket refunds are not permitted.
Please review the "Refund Rules" in the "(Important) Purchase Notice" of the specific event before purchasing tickets.
To ensure the security of personal information, only the original purchaser may apply for a refund by submitting a completed refund application form along with all required information. Once the application is submitted, you agree to allow the company to process the refund, including contacting you by phone or requesting missing documents. The refund process cannot be canceled once initiated.
If the refund request is not received within the refund deadline, the ticketing system will notify the applicant using the contact information provided to retrieve the tickets. If contact cannot be made or no consensus is reached regarding ticket retrieval, the company will not bear responsibility for ticket storage or any other matters. All responsibilities and consequences will be borne by the applicant.
System service fees, ticket collection fees, transfer fees, and return postage are not part of the ticket price and are not refundable.
Refunds Due to Personal Reasons:
The applicant must pay a refund handling fee and a bank transfer fee of NTD 30. (The transfer fee applies to orders paid by cash or virtual account transfer). -
Refunds Due to Organizer Reasons:
No refund handling fees will be charged. -
Refunded amounts, minus handling fees, will be transferred to the applicant’s account on the fourth Friday after receipt of the refund request. If this date falls on a public holiday, the transfer will be postponed by one week. Applicants are responsible for verifying their accounts, as no additional notification will be sent.
For refund requests, please contact us via our official LINE account: @earthfest, and provide your ticket purchase details.
Once a refund is processed, the order cannot be restored. Please confirm your decision carefully.
Organizer Refund Policies:
The organizer will announce one of the following four refund options (not chosen by the consumer). Please refer to the event page for the specific refund method and process applicable to each program.
If the refund deadline coincides with a public holiday, weekend, or government-declared holiday (e.g., typhoon day), the last refundable date will be the first working day after the holiday. -
Refund Option 4 Implementation:
Refund requests made more than 31 days before the performance: Handling fee capped at 10% of the ticket price.
Refund requests made 11–30 days before the performance: Handling fee capped at 30% of the ticket price.
Refund requests made 3–10 days before the performance: Handling fee capped at 50% of the ticket price.
Refund requests made 2 days before the performance: No refunds allowed.
Guidelines for Bringing Minors
Parents are encouraged to set up tents in quieter areas to ensure children can sleep peacefully.
Please take proper care of your minors at all times.
If your child is lost or injured, immediately go to the medical station or notify on-site staff.
A designated play area for children is available in the camping zone. Parents should closely supervise their children and ensure they play safely.
After 10:00 PM, minors are not allowed to enter the main stage area.
Minors are strictly prohibited from consuming alcohol.
Noise Prohibition
Camping Guidelines
After the music ends, creating noise or playing Bluetooth speakers is strictly prohibited.
This rule is especially important in the camping area to ensure everyone can enjoy a good night's sleep.
Open flames, playing with fire, lighting fireworks, or any activities involving ground fires are strictly forbidden.
The campsite contains a large amount of dry forest foliage. For everyone's safety and in accordance with park regulations, please strictly follow these rules.
The campsite maintains its natural environment; smoking is strictly prohibited inside tents.
camping / 露營方案

Accounting on a per-site basis,
no days included

BYO camper van
Camping space & car space are include in the price.

Pre-set up Tent
✦四人免搭 : ( 240*240公分 )
◉三天兩夜: $ 3750
◉四天三夜: $ 4250
◉五天四夜: $ 4450
✦六人免搭 ( 300*300公分 )
◉三天兩夜: $ 4250
◉四天三夜: $ 4750
◉五天四夜: $ 4950
✦ 4ppl pre-set tent (240*240 cm)
◉ 3 days, 2 nights: $3750
◉ 4 days, 3 nights: $4250
◉ 5 days, 4 nights: $4450
◉ Includes
4 sleeping bags|2 double sleeping mats|1 table, 2 chairs
✦6ppl pre-set tent (300*300 cm)
◉ 3 days, 2 nights: $4250
◉ 4 days, 3 nights: $4750
◉ 5 days, 4 nights: $4950
◉ Includes
6 sleeping bags|2 double sleeping mats|1 table, 4 chairs
A deposit of NT$2000 is required on site, which will be refunded upon account verification.

Buying car space
Parking lot spaces: 500NT

Glamping Tent
◉兩晚: $ 9950
◉三晚: $ 11950
◉四晚: $ 13950
◉兩晚: $ 11950
◉三晚: $ 13950
◉四晚: $ 15950
✦Glamping tents
✦ 2-person
◉ 2 nights: $9950
◉ 3 nights: $11950
◉ 4 nights: $13950
Includes: 2 pillows|1 table, 2 chairs|extension cord|lamp
|double sleeping mat
✦ 4-person
◉ 2 nights: $11950
◉ 3 nights: $13950
◉ 4 nights: $15950
Includes: 4 pillows|1 table, 2 chairs|extension cord|lamp
|4-person sleeping mat
Address of Tongxiao Beach:
No. 41-1, Haibin Road, Tongxiao Town, Miaoli County
GPS = 24.49296870331616, 120.67330277000038
Take Taiwan Railway (Coast Lin)
and get off at Tongxiao Railway Station →5 minutes walk to Miaoli Tongxiao Beach

1. (National Highway No. 1) Get off at the China-Hong Kong Interchange → Connect to Provincial Highway 1 → Pass Qingshui, Dajia, Yuanli → Turn left into Tongxiao Town → Pass Zhongshan Road → Turn left to Haibin Road → Go straight to Miaoli Tongxiao Beach.
2. (National Highway No. 3) Get off at Tongxiao Interchange → Connect to Provincial Highway 1 (towards Tongxiao) → pass Zhongshan Road → turn left to Haibin Road → go straight to Miaoli Tongxiao Beach.